LightBug1 2 hours ago

Please ... there's a youtube video of him playing PoE2 showing how obvious that (1) he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and (2) he's not really doing the grinding.

He just logs on to the accounts every so often and claims he's the big man.

Cringe af, per everything else Elon.

pr07ecH70r a day ago

Time = Money, thus it should not be a surprise that with such proportionality between the two, one with his financial capabilities, could in theory buy time.

  • dave4420 a day ago

    Isn’t he supposed to be CEO of like six companies (one of them public)? Oh, and preparing to take up a government role later this month?

    • coldtea a day ago

      And isn't he asking his employees to destroy their work-life balance and pull exhausting shifts and all-nighters for him, and not WFH either?

  • throw678937 15 hours ago

    That brings up a more literal question: Is Diablo IV pay-to-win? (Can people pay to skip grinding and speed to the top?)

    • forgotpwd16 3 hours ago

      There's a season pass that can skip ahead by paying but is mostly cosmetics. Some gameplay gains can be pass-unlocked sooner but aren't game-usable due to being level-gated. (Hence no actual advantage compared to f2p.)