xnx a day ago

Very cool what you can do with Observable.

The color for low temperature and precipitation looks indistinguishable from the color for high temperature and precipitation.

fjfaase 3 days ago

Would it more intuitive to swap the colors in the example: blue for more presperation (water) and red for higher temperatures?

  • wisemang a day ago

    Isn’t that the case? Or was your recommendation taken on board in the 40 minutes since you posted this and I read the article?

    Anyway one improvement I could see would be adding something to the legend like “hot and dry” and “hot and humid” or similar to clarify a combined interpretation of the variables.

    • fjfaase a day ago

      I do remember that Scotland was mostly colored orange and the area around London blue. Now it is the way around.

  • flobosg a day ago

    Are the colors swapped? From the article:

    > The colors are a mix of oranges (for temperatures) and blues (for precipitation).