Bostonian 3 days ago

The author is Eric Savitz.

'Most of the time, the next great thing just isn’t that great, although it always makes for fantastic copy. Let us raise a glass to 3-D televisions, the metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, 3-D printing, personal drones, cryptocurrency, blockchains, NFTs, Web3, fake meat, legal marijuana, Segways, Quibi, and Napster. Let’s all fondly remember Google+, Google Glass, Netflix Qwikster, Apple Ping, Apple cars, Apple Pippin, Apple Newton, Apple eWorld, HP iPods, Windows Mobile, Microsoft Zune, Clippy, and Microsoft Bob. Let’s spend a moment recalling the rise and fall of Flip camcorders, MoviePass, SecondLife, Hyperloop, WeWork, Jawbone, Webvan, Juicero, nanotech, superconductors, Theranos, Solyndra, SPACs, and direct stock listings. Turns out, it isn’t easy to change the world.
