reducesuffering 3 days ago

Not only that. Putin’s spokesperson, Peskov, has a daughter, Elizabeth, who was an assistant to far-right Aymeric Chauprade, a French Member of the European Parliament.

It is quite evident to one with geopolitical sense how Russia attempts to enflame Western countries far right and far left in order to undermine the Western centrist order.

brcmthrowaway 3 days ago

It's scary what a long game russia plays.. Western democracies have no chance.

  • amai 3 days ago

    Russia is just misusing certain holes in our society we keep open for our superrich to make money on our private data, avoid taxes, and stay intransparent about corruption. Russia is just a symptom. The real enemy are our corrupt elites who don‘t care about society and democratic values or at least the planet. They just care about profit. And these people are the real problem for our western democracies.

  • tim333 a day ago

    Western democracies can play a long game too. See the fall of the Soviet Union for example.

qsdf38100 3 days ago

Is there any far right political party that’s not supported by Russia ?

  • wtngfnncl 3 days ago

    Considering the infamous use of Left vs. Right competing event trolling hosted by Russia during 2020 - is there any side they don’t troll?

    • tchbnl 3 days ago

      I'd call their interference something a bit more serious than trolling.

  • ffgjgf1 3 days ago

    Meloni’s party in Italy seems to be anti Russian, so presumably they’d rather give money to their competitors / coalition partners like Lega.

    I’m sure they’d be supporting far left parties as well (they probably do to some extent) like back in the day if they had any chances..

    • speed_spread 3 days ago

      I would not be surprised that a party would be anti-Russia while still being backed by Russia. Russia doesn't need approbation from the West as much it wants the West to simply destroy itself through stupid politics and corruption.

  • throwup238 3 days ago

    Does the Principality of Sealand's leadership count?